BGK1000 did an excellent VSP-Job for the Danakil Potash Project in the north of Ethiopia. Nearly 100 m below sea level Danakil Depression is one of the deepest regions of Africa, bearing million tonnes deposits of potash.
Clemens himself lead the survey to make sure that BGK1000 works together with international seismic survey equipment, crews, and drilling and logging companies. Under very unstable borehole conditions, two nightshifts were filled with a lot of VSP-records, gathered from different vib-positions. The BGK1000 probe worked well in 400 m deep wells, filled with saturated potassium salt brine. The same sweeps and the same vib trucks were used as in the surface seismic survey. Each data record from the probe was correlated with the reference sweep of the vibrator and stored in SEG-2 format. The recording system (BGK1000 Trigger Unit and Laptop) was located in vib encoder truck and was connected to the vib encoder system (Force two). The vib encoder truck and the TerraTec winch were standing close together. The Danakil Depression is among the hottest place on earth in terms of year-round average temperatures. It is also one of the lowest places on the planet, and there is no rain for most of the year. (Wikipedia).